Call 210-308-8888 during weekday office hours (Central Time Zone)
or Email Current Pricing, Enrollment Application and Purchase / Order documents

LIBBE Training Discounts from $1,000.00 Up to $1,500.00 off each LIBBE!

  • Complete LIBBE Device and/or I-ACT Certification Training at a LIBBE Recognized School
  • Complete LIBBE “Contract of Sale” requirements and Prescription Requirements.(Note: Device Discount is not applicable when instructors travel to train in your facility.)

USA and Canada – GREAT NEWS!
And its Easy!

100% Financing Available!

1. Complete one page Application (Email for application)
2. Only takes few hours to receive a response
3. New or Manufacturer Re-Furbished LIBBEs

Approval may also include shipping, installation, software,
sales tax for those in Texas, and more!

Reduces up-front Capital Expenditures
Added Credit Availability
Less Expensive than Credit Cards
May be Fully Tax Deductible – Section 179
2 to 5 year terms – Easy Monthly Payments